• Jaewhi has been accepted into the Ph.D. program at Georgia Tech!!
  • Jaehwi, Chanyoung, Jinwoo, Ju-chul received their Master's Degrees in February 2024!!
  • Minjae's paper has been accepted to IEEE ICRA, 2024!!
  • Dohyun's paper has been accepted to AAAI, 2024!!
  • Jaehwi's paper has been accepted to IEEE RA-L, 2023!!
  • Jaehwi is selected for the Fulbright Graduate Student Program!!
  • Prof. Park received the ICRA 2023 Outstanding Planning Paper Award!!
  • Prof. Park organizes a workshop on "Experiment-oriented Locomotion and Manipulation Research" at RSS, 2023
  • Prof. Park organizes a special session on "Human-Agent/Robot Interaction in Healthcare and Medicine" at Ro-MAN, 2023
  • We received the Best Student Paper Award at RiTA 2022!!
  • A paper has been accepted to IEEE RA-L (IROS), 2022
  • Prof. Park received the Outstanding Young Researcher Award (우수신진연구자상) at ICROS, 2022
  • We received the Outstanding Paper Award at KROC 2022!!
  • Selected for ICRA 2022 Outstanding Navigation Award Finalist!!
  • A new IITP grant on contact-rich robotic manipulation
  • Professor Daehyung Park has been selected to receive the Google Research Scholar Award!
  • Excellence Award for BECS ITRC Student-led Creative Autonomous Project
  • Interviews with irobotnews and MERRIC.
  • Our proposal is accepted for NRF 기초연구실 Program!
  • Our field robot work is accepted for Field Robotics 2021: 'An Intelligence Architecture for Grounded Language Communication with Field Robots'
  • Our LTL-BT work is accepted for ICRA 2021: 'Reactive Task and Motion Planning under Temporal Logic Specifications'
  • Our proposal is selected for NRF Young Researcher Program!