The Robust Intelligence & Robotics (RIRO) Laboratory is part of the School of Computing at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). Our vision is to empower robots to be trusted collaborators in every part of our society by introducing novel learning, reasoning, and execution capabilities.
강인지능 및 로보틱스 연구실은 한국과학기술원 전산학부에 위치한 연구실로써 로보틱스와 기계학습의 접점에서 지능로봇 방법론을 연구하는 곳입니다. 본 연구실에서는 강인한 인공지능을 가진 협업/서비스 로봇을 개발하기위하여 다양한 모바일 매니퓰레이션 관련 연구를 해오고 있으며, 특히 의미론적 학습 및 추론 (semantic learning and reasoning), 역강화학습 (inverse reinforcement learning), 작업 및 경로계획 (task-and-motion planning), 인간-로봇 상호작용 기술 (human-robot interaction), 자연어 이해 (natural language understanding) 등의 복잡한 작업 수행을 위한 필요 기술들에 집중하고 있습니다. 또한, 본 연구실에서는 강인 지능 기술을 이용한 자동화 (automation) 및 필드 로봇 (field robots) 영역으로 확장하고 있으며, 세계 유수의 연구 기관들과의 협업과 방문 연구를 진행하고 있습니다.

Selected experiment videos!

Selected presentation videos!

Recent news

  • Minseok's paper has been accepted to ICROS, 2024!!
  • Yeseung's LLM survey paper has been accepted to ISR, 2024!!
  • Jaewhi has been accepted into the Ph.D. program at Georgia Tech!!
  • Jaehwi, Chanyoung, Jinwoo, Ju-chul received their Master's Degrees in February 2024!!
  • Minjae's paper has been accepted to IEEE ICRA, 2024!!
  • Dohyun's paper has been accepted to AAAI, 2024!!
  • Jaehwi's paper has been accepted to IEEE RA-L, 2023!!
  • Jaehwi is selected for the Fulbright Graduate Student Program!!
  • Prof. Park received the ICRA 2023 Outstanding Planning Paper Award!!
  • Prof. Park organizes a workshop on "Experiment-oriented Locomotion and Manipulation Research" at RSS, 2023
  • Prof. Park organizes a special session on "Human-Agent/Robot Interaction in Healthcare and Medicine" at Ro-MAN, 2023
  • We received the Best Student Paper Award at RiTA 2022!!
  • A paper has been accepted to IEEE RA-L (IROS), 2022
  • Prof. Park received the Outstanding Young Researcher Award (우수신진연구자상) at ICROS, 2022
  • We received the Outstanding Paper Award at KROC 2022!!
  • Selected for ICRA 2022 Outstanding Navigation Award Finalist!!